Language is Equity


Language is Equity - EL Advocacy Network Tagline

We dream that every teacher in the U.S. has the knowledge, ability and support needed to provide quality language instruction for English learners.

Current U.S. school demographics have changed greatly but teachers have received little education on how to change instruction for ELs. Approximately 55% of general education teachers have ELs in their classrooms with the responsibility of addressing language and learning gaps (Quintero & Hanson, 2017). Meanwhile, only 24% of teacher preparation programs report offering professional development on EL instruction (Greenberg, Mckee, & Walsh, 2015). Federal accountability under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) includes the language proficiency growth of ELs under Title I systems similar to accountability for reading and math achievement. District leaders are called upon to address language learning with the same intensity as reading and math instruction in the last 20 years. This is a big shift for all educators and it’s time to provide strategic support where needed to empower leaders, teachers and families.  

If you’re looking for an EL consulting partnership that provides:

  • An equity-grounded approach

  • An opportunity to engage in a research-based process of change

  • Increased parent and student voice through meaningful engagement

  • Research-based instruction to increase academic language skills and academic outcomes

  • An opportunity to explore and develop effective language programming options

  • Professional development on EL reading, writing, and speaking instruction

  • Guidance on ESSA or Office of Civil Rights requirements

  • Collaboration with skilled, experienced leaders in the EL field

Then we might be a good fit! Our skilled team is passionate about working with those who want to make a difference for multilingual students and we’re ready to meet you!  


 What We Offer

Our program design, based on research-based principles of effective change, guides our work towards fidelity of implementation in your district. We will customize a package just for you that fits your needs and will help you reach your goals.



1 // Professional Development for Teachers and Leaders

We know a lot about ELs and native language development.  We can do just about anything in our field so let us know if you’re looking for something not included below.  We are all proficient in providing engaging online professional development and currently offer these services online. Some of our current offerings include:

  • effective instructional strategies for mainstream teachers of English learners

  • effective leadership for principals and district administrators for bilingual student success

  • video coaching for personalized instructional development

  • online learning modules for teacher professional learning communities focused on English learner success

  • Genre-based instruction for academic language production

  • multilingual family engagement planning and implementation

  • equity analysis and training in linguistic and cultural competency 

  • culturally responsive classrooms and schools

  • bilingual instruction programs and instruction (dual-immersion)

2 // EL Program Evaluation and Strategic Planning

ESSA laws require accountability for English language growth.  How do you know if your EL program and daily instruction are going to bring the results you desire?  Our team will design an EL program evaluation and strategic plan with you to address your concerns and give you a clear understanding of areas of strength and growth.

3 // Dual-language immersion program evaluation and development

Dual-language immersion programming is a proven instructional model that increases equity and achievement.  If you are considering starting a dual-language immersion program or have one but would like to know areas of strength and growth we have the team-members to help you.  Language is equity, and empowering students to develop their native language is the ultimate equity step for multilingual students.

4 // Research Analysis

Are you interested in what current research says about specific instructional or programmatic practices for multilingual students?  Perhaps you’re interested in the effective practices in other parts of the nation or world?  Whatever your question, we know you’re very busy making the world a better place for students (plus pandemic!) and we’re very willing to research your question and provide a report to guide your efforts.  Contact us and let us know what you need.

EL Advocacy Brand Mark in Red

 “She focused on the needs of our schools and the background of our staff to plan sessions that would be meaningful and impactful.”

~ Anna Szuber,
EL Program Director, Office of Language and Cultural Education, Chicago Public Schools


How We Work

It always starts with a conversation. We want to hear from you and understand your needs and timeline.  Once we agree to work together we follow a process:


1. Explore

Examine the school program, practices and needs of your educators, students and families.

2. Analyze

Do a deep-dive in five areas of data 1) demographic 2) perception 3) academic achievement 3) program, process & policy and, 5) fidelity of implementation

3. Collaborate

Work together to plan and implement professional development, facilitate team meetings, provide coaching and strengthen your leaders.


4. Gather Feedback

Create family focus groups and student feedback opportunities to better understand what is working well and what could be better for multilingual students and families.

5. Review Progress

 Revisit all the work that has been done, including artifacts that demonstrate fidelity of implementation.

6. Celebrate

This is a very important step and one that often gets forgotten in the rush of PreK-12 school life. Educators went into this field because they wanted to make a difference and sometimes change is slow. We celebrate hard work, creativity and collective efficacy in order to honor all who contribute to the work and to gain energy to build on what’s working!

EL Advocacy Brand Mark in Teal

 “The process was eye-opening and inspiring and led us to implement changes that have positively impacted our student outcomes.”

~ Lindsey Rose,
Director of Languages NSSD112